Updated blog with translations and RSS/JSON feed


logs blog

It were hard to work on Floflis' Blog (and Floflis itself, even more), as there were people with need to use my notebook for hours. But I could make it working 100%.

Now the header haves menus (for main site, manuals, source-code) and these menus and blog’s title are now fully translated.

Yes, I know the blog needs a favicon, a comment system (like Disqus), translations in all posts and new languages available. But I did a lot for the blog even with limited hours to work, and when I should work on Floflis OS instead of on its blog.

The biggest thing to announce about our blog: it now output news feed for reader apps (JsonFeed and RSS), and haves a search index in JSON (missing a search system and its input field in header). Also I’m working on the FrameworkJS theme for GoHugo while working on Floflis blog.

The News Feed widget in sidebar is also translated, and part of FrameworkJS theme. This theme also includes its RSS logo (in SVG) and logo/favicon. ❤

Hope to tell news about Floflis instead of its blog ‘=’